Welcome fellow fringy, tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists! You’ve just found your people.
Yankee Doodle Soup is a collection of essays by a diverse group of writers with one thing in common: something positive to say about the pandemic. (Really! Those were the rules and the collaborators obliged enthusiastically and expertly.)
Contributors range from well-known doctors and scientists to speakers, podcasters, authors, attorneys, and editors. There’s an Emmy Award-winning former news anchor, a bridal gown designer, a whistleblower, a rock band, and one “pissed-off, childless, married woman of a certain age who didn’t do anything meaningful in her life until [Covid].” The essays are warm, witty, wise, wondrous, and exactly what the world is hungry for right now.

This one-of-a-kind collection features:
Laraine Abbey-Katzev
Margaret Anna Alice
Alyosius Barton
Cammy Benton, MD
Erin Cole
Sarah Cook
The Defiant
Sheila Dempsey, PhD
Tamara Dorris, MA
Angela Doss
Will Falconer, DVM
Harry Fisher
Brit Galvin
Jenny Glick
Just Think Podcast
Laura Kasner
Karen J. Kolberg
Pierre Kory, MD
Karen Lorre
Scott Marsland, FNP-C
Jenna McCarthy
Maureen McCarthy
Brenda Miller
Melodee Meyer
Alina Niemi
Zoey O’Toole
Bill Rice
John Richardson, Jr.
Tara Ricketts, MS
Jessica Rose, PhD
Barbara Rush
Frances Scott
Zahra Sethna
Isabel Shaw
Noelle H. Sproul
Kevin Stillwagon
Helena Summer
Candace Lynn Talmadge
Ben Tapper, DC
Leslie Taylor
Dave Thimmel
Alexa Tuttle
Brad Young
Jenna McCarthy has never met a WET PAINT sign she didn’t feel the need to test or a group project she didn’t try to commandeer. Her knee-jerk comeback to anyone who tries to tell her what to do (with the possible exception of her actual boss back when she had one) has always been, “You’re not the boss of me.” If she’s hot, cold, frustrated, fuming, hungry, or uncomfortable, you’ll know. Equal parts passionate and IDGAF, she’s been outspoken about the madness around masks, mandates, vaccines, variants, PCR tests, “long Covid,” lockdowns and more since the beginning of the pandemic. Because of this, she’s been blocked, banned, whispered about, unfriended, and told to do something anatomically impossible to herself. SDGAF. Jenna wakes up every day determined to put a fresh, funny spin on the insanity around us. Yankee Doodle Soup is her first anthology.