Yankee Doodle Soup Paperback Book

(14 customer reviews)


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The COVID-19 pandemic was all things awful: frightening, confusing, isolating, and devastating on countless levels. It destroyed businesses, fractured families, and separated the world into two bitterly contentious camps. Despite the unspeakable tragedy, in many ways, it was also sort of amazing: It brought people together the way nothing else in history ever has or could, served as a worldwide wake-up call to tyranny and corruption, shone a blinding light on a broken medical system, and built an army of freedom-loving warriors hell-bent on winning the psychological and spiritual war we’ve unwittingly found ourselves fighting. 

In Yankee Doodle Soup for the Fringy, Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Conspiracy Theorist’s Soul, some of the most powerful voices in the “truther” movement share their warm, wise, witty, and wondrous thoughts on this unforgettable time in history. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry (happy, relieved, healing tears, promise), and most of all, you’ll discover you were never really alone after all.

14 reviews for Yankee Doodle Soup Paperback Book

  1. Chris McKinney

    I loved every word of this book. I’m buying a copy for everyone I know!

  2. Shelley Compton

    This book is a treasure trove of insights, humor, and cathartic reading to help people process that crazy time. May it be widely read!

  3. Allison Roberts (verified owner)

    Yankee Doodle Soup is a riot! Despite the chaos of the pandemic, it finds humor and connection in unexpected places. I’m buying a second copy for my sister—it’s the perfect pick-me-up for these crazy times!

  4. Joe Coito

    I could not put it down. What a variety of contributors. The stories and experiences helped me realize I wasn’t the only one struggling to understand just what we were going through.

  5. Barbra Phillips (verified owner)

    I thought it was just me! These essays made me realize I wasn’t the only one, thinking these things! Doodlers, rise up! #yankeedoodlesoupnation

  6. Melodee Meyer (verified owner)

    People like to complain about the pandemic and we are constantly bombarded (and acutely aware) of all the negative aspects of it. Yet, reading these stories, I was uplifted to see how so many amazing folks found a way to turn lemons into Limoncello Mojitos. Thank you for this gift of a book that really just keeps on giving with the turning of each page!

  7. Kristen, Amy, Holly – Just Think: The Podcast (verified owner)

    It’s funny, it’s witty, it’s heartwarming, it’s comedy, truth, and badassery in the midst of all the chaos.

    There’s no book like this on the market. It’s the time capsule that you will want to have, keep, and share for generations to come.

    Yankee Doodle Soup is one of a kind and won’t disappoint. Grab it now as a gift to yourself and your friends and family.

  8. Tamara Dorris

    This book is beyond brilliant. It made me laugh and cry and I can’t wait to share it with people I know. I hope the whole world reads this.

  9. Laura Kasner (verified owner)

    Being one of the contributors, I don’t want to sound biased, but this book is an absolute delight. Some of these stories will make you laugh out loud. One in particular will make you weep with sadness while also giving you immense inspiration. For me, a book that evokes profound emotions, whether joy or sadness is truly a treasure. Once you have finished, you will want to read it again. You might also find some very useful pieces of information in this book. I most certainly did!

    Jenna McCarthy, the editor is herself a gifted writer with a wicked sense of humor. She is also a treasure.

  10. Susie Pollard

    The pandemic changed most of us, whether we like it or not. This book is a well-written, poignant, and often funny recount of how we as humans discovered the things that really matter to us, from relationships and purpose, to truth and freedoms we had previously taken for granted. It’s a great read and an even better gift for a fringy friend! 🙂

  11. Kim (verified owner)

    This book is so good!!! Laugh out loud funny and some very snarky chapters which I love. The ones about losing family because of views made me cry because I am in that boat also. I have shared it with all my “SAFE” friends.

  12. Sandra Whitney

    I loved this book! Such a unique collection of serious and funny, validating how incredible the last few years have been to all of us. I found new authors and resources that expanded my community of awake and intelligent people, very grateful for that!!

  13. SadieJay (verified owner)

    I finished the book a few days ago. I happen to be watching my grandkids on an AFB and took them to the library yesterday. I had to take another book of mine to read, but I was seriously wishing that I had not finished Yankee Doodle Soup, because, well I just look so cool and like a rebel when I read it. So, in the spirit of commerce, I propose a Yankee Doodle Soup ‘book cover’. So, even if I am reading about the mysterious death of Rudolf Diesel, I can still look like the stubborn-non-comforming-fringy-rebel who also turned out to be right. And I also enjoyed finding story authors who I have ‘talked’ to on my Substack and others. I messaged all of those whom ‘ I know’ to tell them how much I enjoyed their stories. We are not alone and we will never forget. If I need to signal who I am and how I believe, this book says it all. And the cover alone is worth a thousand words. This book made me laugh, cry, shout out in agreement and all the things…so Thank you Jenna et.al; you are all amazingly mainstreamingly fringy. I have found my people.

  14. William H. Lamb

    NOTE: I am posting this with permission on behalf of William H. Lamb; here is his note to me: (Hi Jenna: Here is the “review” of YDS. Great book, quite enjoyable to read once I got over being constantly pissed off by the sleaziness of the enemies of freedom that you and I battle constantly. Please use this review in ANY manner you choose, with attribution. And thanks again for the gift of your great book. You’re a very special writer!)

    My wife and I just finished reading YANKEE DOODLE SOUP, and it was a real delight! We’re both certifiable “Fringy, Tin Foil Hat-Wearing Conspiracy Theorists”, so Jenna’s book (I’m really writing this to her but it’s supposed to be an impartial review) truly was for us. It was an eclectic blend of humor, sarcasm, pathos, anger, fear, seeking after understanding, and a desire to seek after justice (with perhaps a touch of revenge showing its noble head from time to time).

    And only a couple of its fifty-one mini-rants were actually written by the Editor, Jenna McCarthy. All the rest were written by normal and rational people who didn’t get really “pissed off” or “do anything meaningful in (their) lives until (Covid) came upon the scene. It’s really unfortunate that these certifiably rational contributors didn’t write all of this significant “venting of their spleens” BEFORE they had been introduced to that nasty Chinese Escaped From The Wuhan Lab virus that changed their lives. But no, they had to wait until AFTER they had let themselves be “jabbed” with the dangerous and experimental gene altering poison that changed the trajectory of their lives. But at least we, the “fringy, tin foil hat” crowd got a great book out of the travails of our fellow citizens. Some of what they wrote is truly sad, and tear inducing. That so many of our fellow citizens got so damaged by this Big Pharma/Big Government plot to decimate the planet’s population is unforgivable!

    Two of the segments of YANKEE DOODLE SOUP that were amazing to read were written by the Editor, Jenna McCarthy. In my not-so-humble opinion, they are the two BEST segments out of many. The first one was titled: “Morton Sues The Who” (The World Health Organization), that Marxist monstrosity that needs to be disbanded and purged from suffering humanity. Its 5 1/2 pages are a delight to peruse, as we behold the adventures of Morton the Crusader, who sues the scandal plagued World Health Organization:

    “The fifteenth of March seemed nondescript day,
    although something was festering far, far away.
    It may or may not have escaped from a lab,
    (but make no mistake, it would end in a jab.)

    You’ll have to buy the book to discover the end of Morton’s law suit!

    The second of McCarthy’s two memorable segments is titled: “Dear Unelected Leaders”, and is absolutely worth the very low cost of this smile inducing “collection of reflections on the wacky state of the world.” Her long letter to Klaus Schwab, the former scumbag “Distinguished Leader” (i.e. Fascist Wanna-Be Dictator of the World), the apparent Founder (along with “our” Central Intelligence Agency”) back in the 1970’s of THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM, that wacky conglomeration of ultra-wealthy Globalists and the businesses they own–those inhabitants of that subversive zoo that wants to own everything in the world, while we, the people, own nothing (but we will be happy). You believe that, right?

    Wrote McCarthy:

    “I hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but some ill-mannered miscreants feel your mission smacks just a teensy bit of a self-appointed, diabolical, egomaniacal, tyrannical boy’s club, desperately groping for world dominance. (Or something like that).

    McCarthy’s barbs go “uphill” from that point, and are MUST reading for all freedom loving patriots who despise the concept of unelected and arrogant and very dangerous globalist “movers and shakers” who think they know what is best for all the rest of us. But they don’t.

    Buy this great book either in Kindle form or regular book format You’ll be very glad you did.

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